.the_archive / Charlie Rae Walker

My name is Charlie Rae Walker, I was born in Victoria BC. I am the result of a Scottish Merchant navy morse code operator  dancing with a travelling  Australian nurse at the Calgary Stampede. I was born in Victoria BC, and have grown up in both Canada and Australia.

As a teen in the 90s,  I was active in the Australian Zine ad mail art  scene. I had a very prolific mail art network and would create experimental VHS video art  letters that I would decorate vividly and mail to random strangers I found in the White Pages, as well as to art pen pals all over the world.


During my late teens  I lived in various experimental art squats and warehouse studios. I was a hitchhiking run-away in the australian outback, europe  and scandanavia. It was during that time I began creating improvised live music, spoken word poetry  and various art-hustles that I would perform on city streets.

In the last 20 years I’ve prolifically created, in an automatic or stream of consciousness style,  improvised live songwriting,  live experimental puppet theatre, live theatre soundtracks and music using an unhinged loop pedal style with  found objects,  printmaking, artist books, installations, dioramas, hand drawn animations.  I host a third space in my Winnipeg home called the Secret Gallery, which include an annual  festival called Brain Fest, started  to celebrate that I healed from a head injury.   I have released several albums under the name A Raven Called Crow. I have  performed/ exhibited my art  in Mexico, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

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