.the_archive / JL González

JL González was born in Avellaneda, a city on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1980. He worked as an animator, illustrator and art director for motion graphic studios while publishing his works online at www.elmundodejl.com and in print through self-published magazines such as Bodhisatva!, Grotowski, Brek-Brek, among others.

In 2019, González arrived in Newfoundland and Labrador, where he continued his career by creating graphic novels and zines such as Año Sabático, Antes de Volver, Blackout or Loaded. Meanwhile, he contributed comic strips and illustrations to cultural newspapers (The Scope, The Overcast) and local musicians (Neil Conway, The Skylarks, etc.)

His more recent exhibitions include a solo show at The Rooms, a pop-up installation at Museo Mar (Contemporary Museum of Art, Mar del Plata, Argentina), and a group exhibition at the Confederation Centre of the Arts, Prince Edward Island, representing the emerging art scene in Newfoundland and Labrador.

He co-founded Toporama Prints, a design, screen printing and publishing studio responsible for the RPM illustrations and other graphics for businesses in the Trinity Bight area, such as Port Rexton brewery.

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