changing the way we dress – one stitch at a time
The fashion industry is speeding up exponentially and it doesn’t look like it is going to slow down. People consume more and more, collecting mountains of clothes left unworn. Maybe the dress is too small, too big, maybe worn once and never again, or maybe so beloved that it starts to fall apart from being worn so much… The clothes we no longer wear are the starting point to explore ideas and solutions – disassembling and rearranging – cutting and stitching to create renewed wearable statements.
Influenced by musical improvisation methods, AD HOC and DIY culture for creative ideas to turn clothes around, we ask ourselves: How can we reuse materials instead of throwing them away? Pants become jackets, skirts become dresses. Whether you have a lot of sewing experience or never sewed a button in your life, it all starts with an idea!
Get hands on assistance and expert advice upcycling or repairing a garment. Bring your own items to repair and remake or make something new with a provided selection of clothes.